torstai 7. marraskuuta 2013


Lol, it's funny how I've more than a few times started up blog and ended up deserting it right at the beginning. I'm not sure why I even always get inspired to start them up, maybe attention or just the way to cope with my toughts, even tho i dont feel comfortable to share them with total strangers. So why is it so hard to come up with things to write about other than rage or something personal ? Cause am I afraid to hurt some one close to me by thinking hes/shes a total idiot about certain thing sharing it to the whole world ? (i think so, even if I wont use his/her :/ )

But, something about me now !

First, I got a job (YAY!) Assisting Project Manager(+ doing some research for Obstacle Free Finland)
Second, now I actually have money to buy more stuff, that i dont need! :3 YAY again !
Third, Im awesome :3
4th, Ive decided that every month ill have "Meat Free Week" :3 so veggies all the way! :3 also new Blender helps me with that ALOADS ! :3 now I'm also thinking about if i should also invest in a fruit juicer but not quite sure if i wanna spend 150€ on it or not :3 but well see in next few months if ill ask it for xmas present or sumting like that ;P

With lots of luv, 

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